11142017 If you have a been listener to The Malliard Report for any length of time,
one name you are most certain to recognize is Dave, better known as the one
and only “German Town Runner.” A staple in the Malliard.com chatroom, a
steady source of fantastic questions for the rapid fire, and an all around pillar
within the Malliard community Dave is not the guest this week, but rather the
host! Yes, the table has turned and Jim is in the hot seat.
This is an episode that has been in the works and talked about for quite
some time. For this special, Dave (Germantownrunne) is interviewing Jim so as
to give us a little more insight into the host that we’ve come to know and love.
Dave digs into Jim’s past so we get to know a little more about Jim growing up,
his ventures in reaching the elite Eagle Scout status, his first foray into ghost
hunting, and his first experiences with the paranormal.
One of Jim’s big achievements is that of reaching the level of Eagle Scout.
Obtaining the rank of Eagle Scout is no small matter. Only four percent of Boy
Scouts are granted this rank after a lengthy review process. The requirements
necessary to achieve this rank take years to fulfill. Since its founding, the Eagle
Scout rank has been earned by almost 2.5 million young men. Requirements
include earning at least 21 merit badges. The Eagle Scout must
demonstrate Scout Spirit, an ideal attitude based upon the Scout Oath and Law,
service, and leadership. This includes an extensive service project that the Scout
plans, organizes, leads, and manages.
One of the prominent stories told on this episode is Jim’s first real
experience with the paranormal. On a family outing to Gettysburg (an absolute
hot bed of activity to begin with) Jim was touring the Devil’s Den area (...” a
boulderstrewn hill on the south end of Houck's Ridge at Gettysburg Battlefield ,
once used by artillery and infantry (e.g., sharpshooters) on the second day of the
1863 Battle of Gettysburg during the American Civil War ”) when he saw what he
thought was an actor in a picture perfect setting. When Jim tried to catch up to
the actor to get a shot, he was gone.
If you have wanted to know how Jim got his start, this episode is certainly
the one for you. Jim also shares how he got into podcasting, shares his most
“creepy” experience during an investigation and answers a barrage of rapid fire
questions. To keep up with all things Malliard make sure to head over to
www.Malliard.com or follow via Twitter @Malliard. Also, to follow Dave you can
find him via Twitter as well @Germantownrunne.

The Malliard Report
Join host Jim Malliard for the weekly podcast that ventures into the fringe, the unusual, and even current events and is not afraid to ask the tough questions.
Join host Jim Malliard for the weekly podcast that ventures into the fringe, the unusual, and even current events and is not afraid to ask the tough questions.Listen on
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