11082016 On this episode of The Malliard Report, its an off the cuff question night! During the day Jim asked for questions to be sent in and this is where he answered them all!
This show took place during election night 2016. Julie who helps with content for The Malliard report plays host on this episode. If you're a long-time fan of the show, you know the answer to some of the questions he is given. But for those who are new fans, this is a good way to get to know Jim and his journey.
They talk about Jim's Dream investigation site, how the internet radio scene has changed. He also takes this moment to give a slight schooling to those who think starting a show and then quitting in 6-8 weeks is the way to go. Jim also answers the question that people are always asking, where is the podcast done from. He goes over his beliefs and his thoughts on religion. Julie does a great job throughout the interview with Jim.
Jim's thoughts on hauntings and investigations as well are reviewed during this episode, these rare nights that he is able to let his audience and fans get to know him a little more and have a truly audience led show is something, not most host are willing to do.
The life lesson of , Don't burn bridges is something that Jim lives by and he goes over that a little bit, he also talks about a good way to look for a team for yourself, always educating yourself is a good thing as well when you are looking for a paranormal team.
Jim also reminds us that, some people in the paranormal field are bad mentors and some are good, its always up to you to try and stay away from the bad mentors and keep up with the good ones. Listen to The Malliard Report live Tuesday night 9pm Est.
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