<b>Conspiracy Theories 09222015</b></h2>
<p lang="en"><span style="font-size: small;">This weeks show of the Malliard Report is a special one for long time fans and newer listeners alike. In fact, it breaks away from traditional formula to try out something new, and as anyone can attest, it was a pretty good showing all around, and proves once more why Jim Malliard's show is the fastest hour in paranormal talk radio. </span></p>
<p lang="en"><span style="font-size: small;"> What makes this weeks showing different from the norm is the fact that Jim didn't have a guest to speak with. Apparently whoever was scheduled to come this week was running a little bit late, and Jim had to wait for him. However, that's alright! Instead, we got to spend our entire hour talking with Jim as he fielded questions from all of his fans as they talked with him through the chat room. Perhaps some other time our guest that was to be on can reschedule, but this week was mostly a discussion between a myriad of …