<a href="http://malliard.com/">Malliard.com</a>
Show Notes for June 19, 2012
Joann H. Buchanan
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/JoannHBuchanan">https://www.facebook.com/JoannHBuchanan</a>
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/pages/Joann-H-Buchanan-Fan-page/289095774486682">https://www.facebook.com/pages/Joann-H-Buchanan-Fan-page/289095774486682</a>
[skipto time="3:06"] Welcome to Joann H. Buchanan
[skipto time="3:25"]I am Wolf - Book
[skipto time="8:04] Tell me about <a href="http://totesandnotes.blogspot.com/">Totes and Notes </a>
Kimberly Rackley
Website <a href="http://www.illuminatedreality.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">www.illuminatedreality.com</a> Book Paranormal Illuminations' I discuss my theories, psychic mediums and sensitives in the paranormal field and how to develop your abilites specifically for investigations, psychic protocol to follow on investigations and share my paranormal experiences. RELEASE DATE SEPTEMBER 1ST My paranormal team is Nightside paranormal <a href="http://www.nightsideparanormal.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">www.nightsideparanormal.com</a>
[skipto time="13:07"] Welcome to Kimberly Rackley
[skipto time="15:45"] Jim admits to being bad in meetings and drawing
[skipto time="16:35"] Chat Circle as opposed to a square
[skipto time="21:25"] writing horoscopes
[skipto time="22:30"] astrological signs
[skipto time="24:00"]Jim's use of T9 (texting) to get words
[skipto time="24:55"] Knowledge is Evil (must listen to understand)
Fran Myers-Morris
<a href="http://www.mpit.org">www.mpit.org</a>
[skipto time="37:04"] Welcome to Fran Myers-Morris
[skipto time="37:10"] The bridge disappeared story
[skipto time="40:44"] Whats like to deal with Jim
[skipto time="3:18"]
[skipto time="3:18"]
Jonathan Vanover
<a href="http://vrig.org/">http://vrig.org/</a>
[skipto time="45:00] Welcome to Jonathan Vanover
[skipto time="45:44]Paranormal Unity
[skipto time="48:20"] The Malliard Report on Christmas?
[skipto time="52:50"] Orbs
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