“Freedom of speech and freedom of press; the right to speak his mind is close to the heart of every American, the constitution prohibits most forms of censorship over the press and speechmakers. The argument against censorship is clear: no government official should be permitted to dictate what ideas or beliefs we are entitled to hear or believe. Both good and evil should be averted by more speech and not enforced silence. “
As enforced silence is becoming more prevalent in any medium in which the mainstreamed narrative is questioned, or dared to go so far as to dissent against, we must ask ourselves “at what point is the proverbial line drawn?” Podcasts, YouTube channels, and even entire websites are being pulled due to alternative views. Investigators used to strive to bring truth to the people, now they are about creating an image and a following, and truth is lost.
In an era of fabricated stories and click bait narratives, anyone that should happen to stray from the fold is …