The Malliard Report
The Malliard Report
Jim Malliard talks conspiracies via live calls
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -59:59

Jim Malliard talks conspiracies via live calls

03072017 This week on The Malliard Report Jim once again is hosting phone calls and talking conspiracy. Straying from the traditional host/guest format, Jim opens up the forums to discussion to get the chatter going on conspiracies; both popular and lesser known. Get comfortable, open your mind, and challenge your preconceived notions to the “official stories”. If you have been a listener to the show for any length of time, you should be familiar with some of the more widely known conspiracies (e.g. 9/11, Sandy Hook, JFK, etc.) so this week we will focus on some of the lesser known theories.

They say that the sun never sets on The British Empire and such was the case for four mop headed youths from Liverpool. Gaining some notoriety under the moniker “The Quarrymen” during the late 1950s, they soon switched the name and band member lineup, and by 1963 Beatlemania had taken over the world. But all was not well for The Fab Four, and while appearing to be at the pinnacle of success, frustrations soon reached a tipping point. Following a heated argument between John and Paul over creative differences during the Abbey Road recordings, Paul stormed out of the studio and decided to go for a drive to clear his head. (This is where the conspiracy kicks in) According to the theory, while on this drive, Paul lost control of his Aston and was killed in the crash. Fearing mass hysteria and substantial profit losses, record execs and other various powers that be suppress the news of Paul’s death and scramble to find a replacement. Holding a Paul McCartney Look Alike contest, William (Billy Shears) Campbell was chosen, whisked off to a plastic surgeon and vocal coach, and quickly took on the role of Paul.

While only originally planned to last the remainder of the Abbey Road sessions/tour, William became obsessed with playing the part and forced the other Beatles to continue on. It is rumored that many clues have been left behind from the surviving band members in the form of backward masked messages in songs such as “Paul is dead I miss him, I miss him” in the song “I’m so tired” and “I buried Paul” in “Strawberry Fields Forever” among many, many others. Also, many hidden iconography such as bass guitar wreath hidden on the Sgt. Pepper’s album cover, and Paul being the only one bare foot on the Abbey Road album cover. (There are many, many others out there, but we recommend that you search them out for yourself). Other theories include that William Campbell is still playing Paul and that the “real” Paul did not die in 1966 but just had quit the band instead, or that Paul <i>really</i> is Paul, and that they knew of these rumors, and being the jokesters that they were just played off of them. Leaving “clues” for people just to mess with them.

<a name="_GoBack"></a> One conspiracy theory that seems to be gaining a lot of traction as of late, and seems to be drawing a lot of controversy (but don’t they all?) is that of Holocaust Revisionism. According to the official story during the Second World War, more than six million Jewish prisoners were executed in Nazi internment camps throughout Germany and Poland. As stigma from alleged anti-Semitism claims lessens, more people are beginning to fact check the numbers that have been taught to us in our history lessons. While there is no denying that atrocities did in fact happen at these camps, it is becoming evident that it was not to the levels originally propagated and that Jewish prisoners were not the only ones being subjected to these horrors. What drives the speculation to these claims even further is the en-masse attempts to stop or demonize such research. If it did in fact happen the way that they claim, then there should be no reason to worry right?

The above examples are just the tip of the tip of the iceberg when it comes to these theories, and these two theories are only the beginning to a very deep, twisting path. While it may seem daunting, we encourage you to venture down this path. Check these claims for yourself. Do the research, and check your sources. Share these findings with others, and let us know what you think and find as well. Use the comments below, or feel free to use the Twitter

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