The Malliard Report
The Malliard Report
Live Calls on Education

Paid episode

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Live Calls on Education


Speaking from a personal stance, the fifth of July was always one of the most disappointed days of the year as a kid. You are more than likely still just coming down off the excitement from the day prior: awesome food, friends, and a night of blowing stuff up. Then it happens, your mom asks you to go to the store with her and BAM! Right at the front door was a huge reminder that those long summer nights are but a fleeting moment. Three simple words that neckbreakingly snapped kids back to reality…Back…To…School. This year as we cautiously make our way into that season things look a lot different. With more questions than answers, and everyone in a fog of confusion, we look to the fall with timid reluctance expecting another proverbial beat down.

To pull it away from the not so pleasant future, let’s take a moment to focus on happier past. We all have those moments through our educational careers that stuck with us, shaped us into who we are today, or pushed us into a direction …

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The Malliard Report
The Malliard Report
Join host Jim Malliard for the weekly podcast that ventures into the fringe, the unusual, and even current events and is not afraid to ask the tough questions.