The Malliard Report
The Malliard Report
Live Calls - Oops

Paid episode

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Live Calls - Oops

Oops. Well, this is the best word to describe the beginning of this episode. Listen and you will understand. Life happens, we move on, no sense in dwelling on the past. On to the next thing!

As things are slowly starting to re-open across the world, there is still a clamor for professional sports. In a normal universe, we’d be in the midst of NBA playoffs and the Boys of Summer would be in full swing…(pun intended.) But here we sit, opening day has come and went, ice rinks are empty, and James Hardin is only able to flop in the confines of his own living room. (You can’t get the image of him falling down, grabbing his shin, and pointing to his pet and yelling out of your head now can you). So what does the future look like for professional sports? The NBA has announced that they will resume the season at the end of July in Orlando, but no spectators as of now. The MLB is in talks of starting but decreasing the pay for the players. The NHL (at the writing of this) remains silent…

This post is for paid subscribers

The Malliard Report
The Malliard Report
Join host Jim Malliard for the weekly podcast that ventures into the fringe, the unusual, and even current events and is not afraid to ask the tough questions.