The Malliard Report
The Malliard Report
Shepard Ambellas

Paid episode

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Shepard Ambellas

The current climate in which we find ourselves currently is a strange one to say the least. None of what has transpired over the last nine months has made a bit of sense and most of the time we are left with more questions than answers. Added to that is a level of division among the masses that seems to grow wider on a neat daily basis. However, there is one element that almost everyone agrees on. There is something deeper to everything that is happening and we are not being told. With things like Event 201 and Operation Dark Winter bubbling up to the mainstream, and harking back to past peculiarities that made alternative news headlines from years back, one can’t help but notice that we are being batted around like a mouse in the paws of large cat. But what are the powers that be hiding? Are they trying to sweep in Agenda 21 and the New World Order? Are they prepping us for a more cataclysmic event that is on the horizon? (Yellowstone super volcano? Planet X/Nibiru moves in f…

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The Malliard Report
The Malliard Report
Join host Jim Malliard for the weekly podcast that ventures into the fringe, the unusual, and even current events and is not afraid to ask the tough questions.