This week on The Malliard Report it is the show where anything can happen, yes, it is open phones night.
What open phones night would not be complete without a phone call from The Malliard Report staple,
the one and only German Town Runner...or Dave...but we prefer German Town Runner. Always full of
fantastic insight, and expert knowledge, he is always a welcomed addition to the show.
We also get a special call from Aaron, owner, and operator of The Malliard Report sponsor
Veritees Apparel. Veritees has been a fantastic sponsor of the show and their truly speaks for itself “In a
world full of normals and an outside pressure to conform to the socially acceptable, it takes a
persevering attitude to stay true to what personal experience has revealed. We honor and celebrate
open minds and critical thinkers by designing quality products that help exercise self-expression without
compromising values or realities. Whether these views are founded in fact or shadowed in mystery,
wearing our apparel should spark friendly conversation and growth among believers and non. Those
who are mindful enough to look beyond the norm tend to also live a life of full of passion. Like us, this
bleeds over into how we craft our product. Veritees is not built on mass production but on carefully
designing and hand-crafting. We pour our energy into creating an experience versus a product. We want
our customers to connect with their purchases and love them in the same ways we loved making them.
Ultimately, we feel our efforts will create a ripple effect, energetic or otherwise, benefiting all of
humanity and it’s creature companions.” Make sure you show your support and head over to the site
and pick up your shirt today.
The calls in shows are always fun and it is a perfect lead up to the eighth-anniversary show. Yes, eight
fantastic years, but more on that later. Make sure to head over to veriteesapparel.com and pick up your
shirt and show your support. Don’t forget to stop by malliard.com to listen to patch shows, sign up for
the newsletter, and much more. You can connect with Jim through Twitter @Malliard.
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