This week on The Malliard Report it is the show where anything can happen, yes, it is open phones night.
What open phones night would not be complete without a phone call from The Malliard Report staple,
the one and only German Town Runner...or Dave...but we prefer German Town Runner. Always full of
fantastic insight, and expert knowledge, he is always a welcomed addition to the show.
We also get a special call from Aaron, owner, and operator of The Malliard Report sponsor
Veritees Apparel. Veritees has been a fantastic sponsor of the show and their truly speaks for itself “In a
world full of normals and an outside pressure to conform to the socially acceptable, it takes a
persevering attitude to stay true to what personal experience has revealed. We honor and celebrate
open minds and critical thinkers by designing quality products that help exercise self-expression without
compromising values or realities. Whether these views are founded in fact or shadowed in mystery,
wearing our appa…