You could read the show notes from The Malliard Report’s many recorded podcasts as lots of people do but you’d be shortchanging yourself. For the best of what the show has to offer you really need to listen to the recorded shows as increasing numbers of people are doing. You’ll get more information, more details and just more of everything you want to know.
From the far beyond to the close to home, Jim Malliard, the host of “The Malliard Report,” entertains his audience with insightful interviews with a variety of interesting guests from all walks of life, including celebrities like Loyd Auerbach or New York Times Best Selling Author Jim Defelice.
Jim explores the back story, the hidden story, the things others host’s are afraid to touch. From the secrets of the paranormal to Paula Dean to the Government Spying on us, no topic is too taboo for Jim to ignore. The Malliard Report brings it all to you. Full bore. Jim says Bring it on, bring it on, nothin’ we can’t handle.
There’s the show and then there’s the show notes which give brief details for those on the run who really don’t have time to listen. But again, you are short changing yourself if you only read the show notes. Just listen to a few shows and you’ll be convinced that the show is your best bet.
In 2014, The Malliard Report was downloaded over 135,000 times! Up from 56,600 in 2013. Listeners come from all walks of life and are from all across the world, but share the common interest of paranormal events and activities. We have an average of 110 live listeners across different networks during each show. The Malliard Report has not gone unnoticed by critics. It’s ranked within the coveted top 4,000 shows on Stitcher and is closing in quickly on the top 100 of its category . Off the air, the interactions with fans doesn’t stop there! Our social media reach expands to 60,000 people that fit the perfect avatar of a customer and fan.
What are you waiting for? The show notes are good but listening to the recorded live shows is even better. Set aside some time and pick a show. Gather your friends, have a listening party, ask questions, come up with your own theories, and share them on an upcoming show. Take a few minutes and I’m sure once you listen to a few shows you’ll want to join our growing audience of dedicated and committed fans. We have the information that you’ve always wanted to know. We ask the questions others are afraid to ask and get the answers others are afraid to say. We are The Maillard Report. Listen today.
Original Show Notes
The Malliard Report
live calls about UFO
- UFOs were the very first interest that Jim had in the Paranormal, from watching shows like the X-Files when he was young.
- M.U.F.O.N.: The Mutual Unidentified Flying Objects Network
- Was a crash at Area 51 reversed engineered? Area 51 has now been declassified.
- Do Astronomers have deep space photography of UFOs?
Caller Celestial shares her story on a UFO sighting from her backyard in Florida.
- The West Coast, New Mexico and Colorado have the most UFO sightings in the United States, according to online maps.
- Jim shares some facts from Educating Humanity: From 1948-1969 the United States Air Force worked on Project Blue Book where they looked into 1200 reports on UFOs, out of those 1200, 600 could not be explained.
- Are our Governments keeping UFOs a secret from us? How many members of the government have the information and what keeps them from sharing it?
- Are we as a society ready to know if we are not alone in this universe?
Caller Lindsay from the UK tells us about a UFO viewing spot 10 miles outside her town with a phenomenon called "Longdendale Lights" that were responsible for WWII plane crashes giving the area the nickname "UFO Alley"
- UFO Stories from History.
- Has dialogue really opened up enough for us to be comfortable having open discussions on UFOs? What's the future of UFOs, will they become more prevalent as we start to accept them?
The Malliard Report
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