On this week's episode of The Malliard Report, host Jim Malliard is joined by the incredible Leslie Mitchell Clark. They discuss her journey into the field of extraterrestrial contact, the importance of hypnotherapy in the process, and how to work with individuals who have experienced ET contact. Leslie shares her thoughts on the intersection of science and spirituality, and explains the importance of developing a deeper understanding of the universe. The two also delve into the experiences of people who have had contact, and Leslie explains her approach to helping them process and understand their experiences. She shares what it's like to help people make sense of their encounters, and how hypnotherapy has been an invaluable tool in this process. Finally, Leslie gives advice to those who may have had contact with extraterrestrials, and talks about the importance of accepting and understanding these experiences. It's an incredible conversation with one of the most knowledgeable and experienced minds in the field of extraterrestrial contact. If you're interested in learning more about the fascinating world of ET contact and the work of Leslie Clark, then be sure to tune in to this week's episode of The Malliard Report.

The Malliard Report
Join host Jim Malliard for the weekly podcast that ventures into the fringe, the unusual, and even current events and is not afraid to ask the tough questions.
Join host Jim Malliard for the weekly podcast that ventures into the fringe, the unusual, and even current events and is not afraid to ask the tough questions.Listen on
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